Hire Frontend Development


Are you looking for a highly professional, skilled, and experienced frontend developer?
Do you need someone who understands clients’ needs and can work with the latest technologies? Hire frontend developers from us who can assist you as per your requirements.

Toni Web House can provide what you need. We are a team of designers & developers, with over 15 years of experience. We can build dynamic web pages and mobile apps to suit your needs and budget. Our team is focused on building high-quality web products that offer a smooth user experience. Our dedicated approach allows us to deliver successful projects promptly and with minimal implementation delays, which saves our clients significant time & money.

We aim to provide our customers with the best possible solution, we have the technology and resources to bring your ideas to life. Our staff is experienced in many different technologies such as HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, etc. The variety of skillsets we have allows us to develop projects with a broad range of functionality and comes with many added benefits.



UI/UX Design Services

User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) design are the main pillars on which your business’s website is built. Our UI/UX designers will help you develop the most effective user interface for your website that can help convert visitors into customers.

HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript & jQuery Solutions

We develop websites using modern frameworks like AngularJS, Bootstrap, etc., and cross-browser compatible code that can run on all devices and also has good search engine optimization (SEO). You promote your website on various online platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc., and to get a better ranking in search engines we develop websites with SEO-friendly code.

Mobile Application Development

We develop Mobile Applications by using the latest technologies. We develop apps that are responsive and work on other devices such as iPhones and tablets.

Interactive Prototypes

We create interactive prototypes before designing and developing your website or app. This helps us to determine if a product is easy to use if it has all the functionalities that you require and also makes sure it looks exactly the way you want it.

Front-end Engineering

We develop complex, heavily browser-dependent projects, using HTML5 and CSS3 to create interactive websites and web applications. Hire frontend developers from us who are well-versed in the latest web technologies and frameworks and use them to create innovative and responsive websites that can be easily expanded upon. Our expert front-end developers will craft a flexible, intuitive, and impressive user experience by using various interactive elements such as JavaScript, AJAX, etc., to build responsive pages that you can enjoy on any device.

UI Integration

We build complex websites and web applications for different companies, which include UI integration. UI integration is simply to allow the UI developed by us to communicate with the backend systems developed by you, for example, if your website has a custom CRM system, we develop front-end components that allow your CRM system to communicate with your website and vice versa

Hire best-in-class frontend developers from Toni Web House. Contact our team today for more information on how you can hire frontend developers from us.


Customized solutions

We provide full solution development, where everything is customized to suit your business needs.

Faster development cycles

We can develop complex and advanced functionality for your website within minutes and in a shorter amount of time compared to other companies.

Customized reports

We provide you with a range of reports that will help you monitor the progress of your projects, stores, etc., and also help you build an efficient project plan for your business.

Quality after-sales support

We pride ourselves on providing quality products and services to our clients at the best prices.

100% client satisfaction

We are dedicated to providing 100% client satisfaction. Communication is very vital to achieve this and we will do our best to meet your needs and expectations.

Quality work output

We are a professional and experienced team with extensive experience in the field, who understand clients’ needs and requirements and give them the best possible solution, which saves our clients’ time and money.

On-time delivery

We have a dedicated team of developers who can work on multiple projects at the same time, so we always deliver your project on time or before the deadline.

Excellent work output

We make sure that our work is perfect and we have built an excellent reputation in the field so that you can build trust and enjoy working with us.


Our reputation as a company can be gauged from the positive reviews that our clients have left on projects that we have completed. Every project is different and we are very flexible in terms of customization, so if you require something or want to change something in your project, we will work with you to achieve this.
We use the latest technology such as HTML5, CSS3 & JavaScript for all our projects, and for customized projects, we can use any technologies suitable for your requirement. For mobile apps, we also use AngularJS, Bootstrap & jQuery.
Yes, we are always at the forefront of the latest technologies so if your website or app requires new features or functionalities that support the latest technology, then we will build these in our products.
We have a team of experts with over 15+ years of experience in building complex and highly interactive websites and web applications. We also provide free consultation and can give you a quote for your project after discussing it in detail.