Mobile App Development

Transforming Businesses for the Digital Age through Mobile App Technology!

Our mobile app development is done with creativity and precision, so your company may migrate from website to app with ease. Increase brand engagement and improve user experience with a custom-built app designed specifically for you.

Toni Web House is a mobile app development business that works with Android, iOS, and Windows devices. We offer successful digital transformation and mobile business solutions. 

Our Apps Are More Than Just Some Digital Code but a Whole New Experience

All of our iOS and Android mobile app solutions are designed to assist our clients improve user experience and brand engagement. Our optimised apps can help you sell your products and services more effectively.

They allow customers to book orders and provide rapid feedback. Clients can even follow their deliveries while they are in transit using our systems. We focus on the following service delivery aspects to provide complete iOS and Android mobile app solutions.

User Experience Design

The goal of mobile app design is to provide users with an outstanding experience. It entails a combination of capturing user attention and cross-platform interoperability. A excellent software keeps things simple and is meant to keep users interested and returning. We have experience and technical understanding in building mobile apps that will make your business stand out and provide clients with unforgettable experiences.

Cross-Platform Coverage

Global mobile usage is fairly split between platforms such as Android and iOS. To reach the greatest number of prospective customers, your mobile app must be cross-platform compatible. They should run nicely on many operating systems. They should also adjust well to different screen sizes and resolutions. We provide dynamic iOS and Android mobile apps that may be tailored to certain devices and platforms.

Scalability & Interoperability

When you first develop a mobile app for your company, it will most likely have only a few users. Eventually, the number of users will reach thousands, if not millions. Regardless of the amount of users, the app should execute at the same degree of speed and accuracy. Our developers guarantee that your software will run at the same speed even if tens of thousands of consumers use it simultaneously.

Security & Compliance

Apps that rely on cloud connectivity are frequently vulnerable to hacking and cyber-attacks. This is particularly true for mobile apps that leverage eCommerce or online transactions. Mobile apps must be created with solid security policies and processes that require essential authentication checks. As a business, you are accountable not just for the security of your own database, but also for the records of your customers that they enter into your app. We provide extensive security measures for your mobile app that ensure it is safe from all types of cyber threats.

Mobile App Development Service

We completely understand the issues that firms encounter across several activities. We assist clients in the areas of production, marketing, data collection, and human resources. We also recognise that each firm has unique beliefs and resources. Our solutions are always adapted to the demands of the client.

As a result, we provide a comprehensive range of mobile app development services to meet a wide range of company requirements. Our mobile app developers have over two decades of combined expertise and have worked in a variety of industries. We have an international clientele, mostly in the United States and the United Kingdom, but also in continental Europe and Asia. Among our mobile app development services are the following:

Android App Development

We are a top Android mobile application development company that provides the most up-to-date Android app development solutions to businesses and individuals all over the world. Our developers are dedicated to building one-of-a-kind apps with a wide range of features.

We assist our clients in increasing their business value by gaining a competitive advantage. Employee collaboration, sales order processing, customer service, and stock management are all improved by our apps. Our Android app development company builds mobile apps that take into account the fast-paced digital technologies.

iPhone App Development

We have vast experience designing and developing feature-rich, innovative native mobile apps that are user-friendly.

Our iOS app development services will help your organisation increase brand loyalty and income by providing dependable and purpose-built iPhone apps. We enable our clients to leverage the power of our highly scalable iPhone app development services to reach a larger customer base. We add value to our clients’ services by giving them an exceptional customer experience.

iPad App Development

iPads are unique in that they feature a larger display and typically more processing power. Most iOS apps built for the iPhone will also operate on the iPad, but apps designed expressly for the iPhone or iPad will not work on the other platforms.

We’ve created dozens of iPad apps for iOS. We can also create fully customised, graphic-intensive apps for your organisation.

Remember that iPads have more functionality in some areas and can be utilised as a mobile mini-workstation by your staff. Apps that demand more labour, such as team integration and sales tools, are better suited for the iPad.

Hybrid App Development

Hybrid mobile applications integrate native and online apps into a single mobile app. It is compatible with a variety of operating systems, including iOS, Android, and Windows.

A hybrid mobile app has the appearance and feel of a native application. However, it is run by the corporation rather than the client’s mobile device. This type of software improves business security by ensuring user data is processed on the server side. It’s more secure and speedier, making it suitable for eCommerce and online retail platforms.


Native iOS and Android App for Magento E-Commerce Store

Have you used Magento for your company’s eCommerce operations? Looking to take your company to the next level with your own mobile app? There is no need to look any further!

We provide expert-level Magento web development services to assist you in creating the store of your dreams. Our developers assist firms in achieving rapid growth.

Native iOS and Android App for WooCommerce Store

The WooCommerce platform has become a must-have for online businesses looking to increase sales. It has advanced features that make stock management easy.

It facilitates order receipt and processing and allows you to monitor warnings in real time. We provide services for native iOS and Android WooCommerce mobile apps. Our solutions will assist you in swiftly developing your WooCommerce mobile app. Instead of using a template store, get total customization choices to design the store you want. With our service, you can make your brand stand out and improve sales.

Mobile App Using RESTful APIs in Laravel

RESTful APIs are crucial in eCommerce because they allow you to connect to multiple databases at the same time. They provide an ideal method for linking APIs in Laravel.

REST APIs are the tools you need to fetch and update information in the database if you want to create a strong back-end for your Android, iOS, or IONIC mobile application. Our Android RESTful APIs serve as a bridge between your app and the database. They evaluate data ranging from the most basic to the most complicated. They make it possible for your iOS or Android mobile app to process information quickly.

Mobile RESTful APIs enhance app functionality by allowing you to work with even the most complex datasets and boost cross-functional compatibility.

App Development Process

1. First contact

we create raw wireframes and finalize with your approval

2. Wireframes

You contact us, share your requirements, we do analysis suggest betterments, give you a quote and we sign on

3. Published mock-ups & architecture Design

we create polished mok-ups ( UI & UX) and architecture Design

4. Coding implimentation & unit Testing

We kickoff development and release weekly test builds until it is done

5. Testing & store Launch
App tested, Admin panel tested, store upload
6. Post Lanch & support Warranty
We fix bugs even after the delivery.